Chandice & Toby's Creative DIY Backyard Wedding

It feels like summer already! Isn't it wonderful? Saturday I was blessed to spend my warm afternoon creating memories for the creative & wonderful Chandice & Toby. They had worked so hard to create the most stunning DIY backyard wedding. With the year spent collecting mismatched (but not too mismatched!) vintage plates, silver spoons, lounges, porcelain dachshunds and all manner of gorgeous vintage goodies they so impressively decked out a marquee to create the most stunning setting. Their gorgeous little dachshund Monkey performed his role so sweetly, as did the four cute-as-a-button flower girls. With great taste in music and an old gramophone the fun, relaxed and creative tone was set for an evening full of good food, company and dancing!

We even climbed a very (very!) steep hill for the amazing views of Adelaide as the sun slowly set in a bright pink burst of colour from behind the softly dramatic clouds. It was most definitely worth the calf pain! Congrats again to two beautiful souls, and I hope you guys have the best honeymoon in Paris!! xx 

And now I leave you with the words from (Chandice & Toby’s close friend & Celebrant) Christian's take on a little song from the artist formerly known as Prince.

Dearly Beloved
We are gathered here today
to get through this thing called marriage

Electric word marriage
It means forever and that’s a mighty long time
But I’m here to tell you
There’s something else
the afterworld

A world of never ending happiness
You can always see the sun, day or night
— The Artist Formerly Known as Prince (& Christian!)